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BEKA road assistance, make assisted of bus and truck

On the morning of 20.07.2010g. bus with 30 passengers on the route Plovdiv - Sofia. Hour after the leave of Plovdiv on the kilometer before the pass Trayanovi door bus crashed into a moving truck in front of him. Load of the carrying 35-ton machine is out of dimensions - concrete panels. When is a moment of the crash they are slammed into the bus, within inches of the driver and passenger front seat. Miraculously no casualties. Missing and stopping distance. Speedometer of the bus shows that at the moment of impact he was moving at 93 km / h. Therefore the main version of the police that the driver is asleep at the wheel. Truck driver is drive with 52 km / h when it hit on the bus. He even not tried to overtake him, said driver miraculously is survived. All passengers from the crashed bus is have been removed, no casualties. four are more severely injured, eight were with bruises. Severe accident is happened shortly after 7.00 hours. After completion of the examination which made the investigation, the company "BEKA road assistance"make a cooperated form of a tow truck of the crashed cars, truck and bus detached from one another. concrete panels that was almost fell from the truck and repatriate them to their own secure parking on "BEKA Road assistance" on the new ring road in Ihtiman. Pending clarification of the case. Video


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