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България Пътна Помощ 24/7

Beka Road Assistance - Truck stuck insnowdrifts.

Truck with trailer loses control because of icy road near Targovishte. Heavy duty truck ended up in a roadside gully result of pending and icy road. Due to icy road truck had slipped and tractor to 40 tonnes composition is rotated 90 degrees to the trailer and slid sideways across the deep abyss. Miraculously stopped from the finger and snow are collected from the lateral sliding of the tractor and not fell several hundred meters down into the abyss. Despite bad weather, continuous snowfall and icy road. Beka roadside assistance care to remove the truck and loaded trailer that was only one axle to the roadway and the other two axles were in the air. The crashed truck successfully without sequelae was removed from the gap and taken into service.


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